I am now working on two books: working title The Deadly Cyber Warrior in which John Wynters takes on cyber criminals; The Red-Tape Suicide Reimagined, the rewrite of a satire concerned with the activities inside those ubiquitous marble buildings in Washington DC.  


Published by pdfero

I spent my first career in the secret inner-sanctums of the Federal government. Over thirty years of swimming upstream against the bureaucracy led to a series of published parables I called the Tales of the Tail with No Teeth. After retiring I served as a municipal planner and an elected official in a rural township in south-central Pennsylvania where I battled corruption every day. That experience led to a series of books revealing the underside of local government and society that John Wynters battles.

One thought on “CURENTLY WORKING…

  1. Good on you Pat. I still treasure the signed copy of the real story of our lives and pull it out about once a year to have a remembering laugh or two or three. I don’t believe today’s workers would understand.


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